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  • Yoga

    The Key Poses of the Ashtanga Primary Series

    The poses of the Ashtanga Primary Series are the basis for a healthy yoga practice. Here's how to incorporate them and deepen your yogic

    By: Lindsay Nova Calvert

  • Philosophy

    Why We Say Namaste

    Namaste is a popular greeting in Eastern cultures and is gaining traction in the West with the spread of yoga. Learn the translations of this spiritual salutation and why you may want to start saying it more, too.

    By: Andrea Santos

  • Health

    CBD for Your Muscles

    The anti-inflammation qualities of CBD oil can help with muscle pain while promoting relaxation. Have you tried CBD oil yet?

    By: Molly Rae Benoit-Leach MSW RSW RYT

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    Linking Breath and Mantra

    Synchronizing our breath with mantra recitation allows us to sharpen our focus even further. Learn how combining these two techniques can increase your awareness during meditation.

    By: Andrea Santos

  • Ayurveda

    Ayurvedic General Principles of Diet and Digestion

    Ayurveda says that a healthy diet is useless unless you also have a healthy well-functioning digestion. Here is how to improve your digestion so that your food

    By: Varsha Khatri | Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Health Specialist

  • meditation

    Top 10 Mudras for Your Yoga Practice

    Mudras are yogic gestures of the hands that help channel energy for various physical and spiritual benefits. Here's a list of 10 of the most intriguing mudras along with their benefits.

    By: Aimee Hughes

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    4 Steps to Making Your Shakti Shimmer

    Shakti is the creative force of the universe. Here's why you need more of this divine feminine energy in your life and four ways to get it glowing.

    By: Jennie Lee | Author of Breathing Love and True Yoga. Certified Yoga Therapist with 20 years experience.

  • Yoga

    Discover the Best Time of Day for Your Yoga Practice

    Traditionally, first thing in the morning has been viewed as the best time of day to practice yoga. However, if that doesn't work for you, here are some drafts for alternate times of the day to schedule your yoga practice.

    By: Jade Lizzie | Yoga teacher, writer and health and wellness geek.

  • Health

    The Practice of Shatkarma in the 21st Century

    Explore the rigorous cleansing of shatkarma rituals. It may take some mastery, but the effects are well worth the effort.

    By: Lindsay Nova Calvert

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  • Yoga

    Don’t Skip Savasana: The Importance of Corpse Pose

    Savasana is an important part of any asana practice. Here's why you should avoid the temptation to skip (or sleep through) it!

    By: Lindsay Nova Calvert

  • meditation

    5 Beautiful Mantras to Add to Your Practice

    Mantras are a powerful part of your yoga practice, but with so many to choose from it's hard to pick. Here are five beautiful mantras picked for you!

    By: Aimee Hughes

  • Ayurveda

    Ayurveda, Ojas, and Boosting Immunity

    Digestion and immunity are intimately linked in Ayurveda through the concept of ojas. Here is how to boost your immunity through digestion.

    By: Varsha Khatri | Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Health Specialist

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    The Meaning of Om Namah Shivaya

    Om Namah Shivayah honors the power of Lord Shiva. Discover the power of this ancient mantra and chant it to evoke your own inner divinity.

    By: Andrea Santos

  • Yoga

    Yin Yoga: 4 Benefits of Surrendering to Your Yoga Mat

    In a goal-orientated, success-obsessed culture, Yin yoga provides the answers on how to surrender and why you should even bother.

    By: Jade Lizzie | Yoga teacher, writer and health and wellness geek.

  • Philosophy

    Exploring the 5 Kleshas

    Kleshas are afflicting emotions, like greed and egocentricity, that limit us from connecting with our own divine nature. Learn how to identify each of the five

    By: Izzy Arcoleo | Freelance Writer

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Term of the Day


Prasarita is a Sanskrit term meaning “wide stance” and refers to prasarita padottanasana, which is one of the…
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    Amber Karnes


    Amber Karnes is the founder of Body Positive Yoga. She’s a ruckus maker, yoga teacher, social justice advocate, and a lifelong student of her…

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    Glamping Hub


    At Glamping Hub, we are crafting the largest collection of unique nature-based accommodations with emphasis on a five-star experience. We’re…

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    Ashley Josephine

    Private Yoga Instructor for busy women.

    Ashley Josephine is a private yoga Instructor for busy women. Exploring what it takes to live a healthy life in the modern world with yoga.

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    The Foundation of The Yoga Sutras
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