Hatha is a Sanskrit word that can be broken down into two smaller words: ha, meaning “sun,” and tha, meaning “moon.” The word may also mean “willful” or “forceful.” In yoga, Hatha yoga is one of many types of yoga practice. The practice of Hatha yoga focuses on total mastery of… View Full Term
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Shakti is the creative force of the universe. Here's why you need more of this divine feminine energy in your life and four ways to get it glowing.
By: Jennie Lee | Author of Breathing Love and True Yoga. Certified Yoga Therapist with 20 years experience.
Internal Family Systems Therapy and yoga both enable getting in touch with your true Self by getting to know your parts.
By: Molly Rae Benoit-Leach MSW RSW RYT
Yoga means union, not only between our soul and our body, but between each other. Here's why body positivity in western yoga matters.
By: Dr. Laura McGuire
Learn how the mind functions through the lens of Hindu philosophy and the six pramana.
By: Rachel Bilski
We have introduced a 'Pay What You Want' model for our chakra healing bundle, with 100% of the proceeds going to Baby2Baby.
By: Yogapedia Editorial Team
It is ok that I can’t control everything or everyone, it is in accepting this truth that I am truly free.
Tense shoulders, clenched jaw, chest pain: these are all signs of stress in the body. Learn how to let go of habitual patterns that keep your body locked in stress.
By: Jade Lizzie | Yoga teacher, writer and health and wellness geek.
Yoga reminds us that the body can influence the mind as much as the mind influences the body.
Yoga is an appropriate alternative to help release body-stored trauma and reestablish the mind-body connection.
By actively seeking to give ourselves love we can slowly teach ourselves that we deserve that love. Here's how yoga can help.
By: Izzy Arcoleo | Freelance Writer
To help you bring attention to your chakras and to identify which of your chakras are causing you issues, we created the following quiz.
What if we stopped making resolutions? There are better ways we can frame the ways that we want to grow and develop.
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