Prasarita is a Sanskrit term meaning “wide stance” and refers to prasarita padottanasana, which is one of the forward bend yoga poses. To enter the pose, stand in tadasana. The feet stand apart, maintaining a distance of about four feet. Bend forward and place the palms on the floor… View Full Term
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For thousands of years, yogis gathered together in satsang to study the teachings of yoga. The Yogapedia Podcast is a designed for that purpose, to be a place where we can gather and learn from modern yoga scholars and teachers.
In this episode of The Yogapedia Podcast, we talk with Dr. Richard Miller about how yoga influences our brain and how Yoga Nidra can benefit us.
By: Yogapedia Editorial Team
In this episode of The Yogapedia Podcast, we talk with Dr. Wegesin about how aging affects our brains and how mindfulness and yoga can help us as we age
In this episode, we talk with yoga teacher Linda Sparrowe about the promise of yoga and how it can help us learn to love ourselves and our bodies.
In this episode of The Yogapedia Podcast, we talk with Myers about yoga as a path to healing and how yoga has influenced her life.
In this episode of The Yogapedia Podcast, we talk with Astrud Castillo about the heritage of Bhakti yoga and the power of mantra.
In today's episode of The Yogapedia Podcast, we're chatting with Tiffany Cruikshank about how Traditional Chinese Medicine and yoga complement each other.
In today's episode of The Yogapedia Podcast, we're chatting with Chase Bossart about the true meaning of yoga.
The Yogapedia Podcast is back! We're kicking off Season Three with restorative yoga expert, Jillian Pransky!
We're thrilled to announce that The Yogapedia Podcast is coming back for Season Three! Here's a look at the amazing guests we have for this season.
In episode 16 of The Yogapedia Podcast, we're talking with published poet and writer, and mindfulness meditation expert, Albert Flynn DeSilver.
In this episode of The Yogapedia Podcast, Judith Blackstone discusses methods for releasing tension and constriction and awareness of the body.
In this episode of The Yogapedia Podcast, we're talking with Heather Wertheimer about her recovery from addiction and the empowerment she found in yoga.
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