Prasarita is a Sanskrit term meaning “wide stance” and refers to prasarita padottanasana, which is one of the forward bend yoga poses. To enter the pose, stand in tadasana. The feet stand apart, maintaining a distance of about four feet. Bend forward and place the palms on the floor… View Full Term
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Yoga nidra, or yogic sleep, is a method of entering a blissful sleep state while remaining awake. Here's what you need to know.
By: Lindsay Nova Calvert
Have you ever wondered what Om means or why its often chanted in a yoga class? Learn more about this mantra and what it can do for you.
By: Aimee Hughes
Kriyas are most often associated with Kundalini yoga. Here's what these rapid movements mean and how kundalini energy impacts you.
Find out how withdrawing the mind from the senses creates a bridge to your inner self.
Diwali, also known as the festival of light, is the biggest event of the year for Hindu communities all over the world.
By: Alekszandra Rokvity
Dharana, the sixth limb of yoga, is all about focussed concentration. Here's how you can master dharana and how it can elevate your practice.
By: Rachel Bilski
If your spiritual cup is feeling a little empty, you’re probably yearning for satsang. Learn what this Sanskrit word means and why it's important to your spiritual growth on the yogic path.
As a yogi on the spiritual path, you will find your guru can only take you so far. Learn how sadhana will help you meet your goal of enlightenment.
By: Julie Bernier | Registered Ayurvedic Practitioner. Certified Massage Therapist, and a classical hatha yoga teacher.
For the modern yogi, unplugging from technology can be a challenge. Find out how one of Yogapedia's editors managed to do it and live to tell the tale.
By: Alina Prax | Editor/Writer
Try this guided meditation on connecting with your true Self and you'll find connection with a power far greater than you could have ever imagined.
A kundalini awakening starts with a question. Learn the philosophy behind awakening, the practice of Kundalini yoga and signs you may be experiencing kundalini rishing within.
By: Yogapedia Editorial Team
Let's face it, finding and keeping inner peace isn't easy. That's because our thinking mind is what's driving us most of the time. Learn how to take back the wheel and achieve true inner peace.
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