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Yogapedia, an online yoga encyclopedia, is dedicated to curating knowledge from around the globe. Our intention is to help seekers turn within and connect with Self (Ātman) through shared understanding of the philosophy and practices of yoga.

Yogapedia honors eastern yoga philosophy, yet endeavors to remain non-partisan and accessible to all individuals who seek contentment. Our content gives context to yoga, and uses the ancient Indic language, Sanskrit as well as western language – marrying the eastern and western philosophies. In the same way that East meets West is part of our identity, our goal is to explore all facets within the world of yoga, enlightenment and all points in between.

We write to two primary audiences who we refer to as “seekers”” and define them as Yogis and Wall-Streeters’. The Yogis are the yoga-as-a-lifestyle people or commonly referred to as devotees. The Wall Street-like business people are those who are seeking a place within themselves to become more creative and purposeful. The general public will also be interested.

Who Should Write for Yogapedia?

Yoga practitioners who know about yoga in deep ways; are yogis with passionate hearts and great virtues.

Do you Understand Yoga at a Deep Meaning?

We ask that the article is written at the time of meditation for the deepest understanding of yoga and that you are in the right mood for writing about yoga.

Why Should You Contribute?

Want to share your point of view with other seekers? We think of this as an act of service, by sharing your understanding of knowledge with people around the world.

Join Today!

Joining our Yogapedia team is simple. To be considered, just email our Editorial Staff and we will contact you right away to discuss your article idea. Please include a couple paragraphs on or about your yoga practices for greater understanding about who you are.

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