Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons are teachings published by the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), a worldwide spiritual organization founded by the well-known Indian guru, Paramahansa Yogananda. The lessons are considered unique as they outline Yagananda’s step-by-step instructions on yogic… View Full Term
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Varsha is a registered senior yoga teacher by Yoga Alliance UK. She also has a Masters in Holistic Health Education and Holistic Nutrition as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Physiology, Health, and Ayurveda. She worked internationally in the health and nutrition industry for over a decade. Through the years, her experience in the field of functional nutrition has enabled her to work with clients to reach their health goals through the power of healing foods. She use techniques accustomed to both Eastern and Western health practices.
Varsha runs her own business as a Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher. She is also a writer and speaker. Her specialties include: Health Education, Holistic and Functional Nutrition, Health and Wellness Coaching, Corporate Wellness, Ayurveda, and Hatha Yoga. She lives in Greater London with her husband and two young children.
Ayurveda says that a healthy diet is useless unless you also have a healthy well-functioning digestion. Here is how to improve your digestion so that your food
Digestion and immunity are intimately linked in Ayurveda through the concept of ojas. Here is how to boost your immunity through digestion.
The Behavioral Rasayanas are Ayurvedic rules of behavior that promote health and spiritual balance in your life.
Want to know what your dosha type is? Take this quiz to help identify if you're vata, kapha or pitta!
It's difficult for some yoga teachers to charge for their classes. Here's why it's okay for a yoga teacher to request payment for classes.
Are you a kapha dosha? Here's a look at what you should be eating to help keep your kapha in balance.
draftl daily routines follow structure, and the basic structure of your routine for optimal balance should be the same every day of the week.
These foods will help pacify Vata and help you feel more balanced. Here is an example of a Vata-pacifying diet.
Vata dosha is always on the move making it easy for it to become unsettled. Here are 5 tips to help you settle your vata.