What Does
Ardha Salabhasana Mean?
Ardha salabhasana is a simple backbend asana and the intermediate pose of salabhasana.
To enter the pose, lie down on the stomach with the hands by the sides. Let the chin rest on the floor. Lift the right leg off the floor as high as possible without bending the knees. Remain in the pose for 20 seconds and then lower the leg down. Repeat the same movements with the left leg.
Ardha salabhasana is called half locust pose in English.

Yogapedia Explains Ardha Salabhasana
A variation of ardha salabhasana is to lift and stretch straight the opposite hand of the leg that is lifted, with the chin off the floor. The other hand is stretched forward, but kept on the floor.
Regular practice of ardha salabhasana supports spinal health, stretches the shoulders, improves digestion, promotes blood circulation and reduces excess fat in the thighs, hips and buttocks.
Mentally, ardha salabhasana alleviates stress, is effective for treating mild depression and promotes vitality.
Ardha salabhasana stimulates the muladhara (root) chakra, which is located at the base of the coccyx. Muladhara, which is said to represent the beginning of life, is associated with vitality, stability and promotes balance.
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