Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Dragonfly Pose Mean?
Dragonfly pose is a challenging arm balance and twist that requires core strength and considerable flexibility in the lower body, particularly the outer hips.
In this posture, the body’s weight is supported solely by the arms, which are in chaturanga (four-limbed staff) position. One foot rests on the upper arm, and the body twists to allow the other leg to extend to the opposite side.
The Sanskrit name for dragonfly pose is parsva bhuja dandasana. It is also sometimes referred to as grasshopper pose or hummingbird pose.

Yogapedia Explains Dragonfly Pose
Dragonfly pose is a powerful posture because of the openness it requires in the hips, as well as the strength, body awareness, and balance involved in holding the posture. It is a very beneficial pose for cultivating strength and balance, and for toning the muscles of the legs and abdomen.
This pose is so named because the body is thought to resemble a dragonfly while in this posture. As such, it is also considered a “flying” pose because the body’s weight is lifted up and supported only by the hands.
Generally, dragonfly pose is a peak pose in a yoga class, as it is challenging and should only be attempted once the body is warmed up and the core muscles are activated. It is best to prepare the body for dragonfly pose by performing hip-opening postures, such as pigeon pose (kapotasana), and postures such as chaturanga dandasana (four-limbed staff pose) that engage the core.
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Grasshopper Pose
Hummingbird Pose
Dragon Fly Pose
Side Arm Staff Pose
Side Arm Stick Pose