Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Baby Grasshopper Pose Mean?
Baby grasshopper pose is a modified version of full grasshopper pose (also known as dragonfly pose). This beginner-to-intermediate arm balance is usually easier for beginning yogis because one foot remains on the floor.
To enter baby grasshopper, begin seated in staff pose (dandasana). Bend the right leg and bring it over the left leg and place the right foot firmly on the ground just outside of the left thigh, above the knee. Press the left palm firmly into the floor and lift the right hip up toward the sky. Taking the right arm onto the inside of the right leg, reach out and grasp the outer edge of the left foot. Keep the left ankle flexed while lifting the left leg up off the floor. Slowly lean forward, pushing into the left hand and using the grounded right foot for stability. Draw the chest forward to extend fully into the posture. Take several deep breaths. To come down, slowly lower the hips back to the mat, extend the legs out and repeat the pose on the opposite side.
Baby grasshopper pose does not have an exact Sanskrit translation, but is a variation of parsva bhuja dandasana.
Yogapedia Explains Baby Grasshopper Pose
Baby grasshopper helps cultivate the strength, openness and balance for full grasshopper pose (also called dragonfly pose). It is an excellent preparation for the full expression of the pose because it twists the body and opens the hips. It can also be practiced as a challenging posture in its own right.
The benefits of baby grasshopper include the following:
- Opens the hips
- Builds strength in the core to lift the hips
- Strengthens the legs, arms and shoulders
- Increases self-esteem
- Builds self-self-confidence and inner-strength
To warm up for this asana, it is helpful to prepare the body with hip openers and twists. It is also important to warm the psoas muscles, hamstrings and IT band.
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Baby Hopper Pose
Baby Dragon Fly Pose
Baby Grasshopper
Baby Dragonfly Pose