Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Dove Pose Mean?
Dove pose is a challenging backbend that offers a deep stretch for the back, core, hips and groin.
To enter this asana, begin in a kneeling position with the legs not quite touching. The shoulders and head bend backward while the hips remain in place. The hands can be used to assist the upper body as it lowers down. The forearms and shins press into the floor. Experienced yogis can rest the head on the ground while the hands hold onto the heels.
Dove pose is also known as vajra kapotasana in Sanskrit.

Yogapedia Explains Dove Pose
Dove pose can help relieve back pain and improve body posture. This pose is also said to be beneficial for women who want to become pregnant as it realigns the uterus and helps open up some of the muscles that are needed for birth.
The hip flexors are among the body parts that receive the most benefit from dove pose. It also stimulates the major organs in the abdominal area.
Beginners who may not have achieved enough flexibility to perform this pose can use pigeon pose (kapotasana) as a preparatory pose.
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Dove Pose
King Pigeon Pose