Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Parsva Bakasana Mean?
Parsva bakasana is an arm balancing asana that strengthens the arms and improves flexibility. The name comes from the Sanskrit parsva, meaning "side," baka, meaning "crane" or "crow," and asana, meaning "pose."
To enter the pose, assume a squat position with the feet firmly on the floor and the thighs parallel to the ground. Twist the torso left until the right elbow is on the outer side of the left thigh. Place the hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, bending the elbows to point toward the body. The left thigh is brought over the right upper arm so the feet lift off the floor. These steps are then repeated on the opposite side.
Parsva bakasana is referred to as side crow or side crane pose in English.

Yogapedia Explains Parsva Bakasana
Parsva bakasana is an advanced version of bakasana (crow pose) that offers amazing health benefits. It activates the manipura (solar plexus or navel chakra), which is associated with self-confidence, power and control. Individuals who energize this chakra by performing parsva bakasana should find themselves feeling more prepared to overcome obstacles and achieve success, both in and outside of yoga practice.
Some of the mental benefits of parsva bakasana include:
- Boosts self confidence
- Promotes awareness
- Improves focus
- Helps achieve balance
Perfecting parsva bakasana may take some time as the pose is a real challenge to flexibility and the balance is a test of the practitioner's arm strength. Beginners can perform the pose for just a few seconds at first and work gradually to increase duration.
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