
One-Legged Crow Pose

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does One-Legged Crow Pose Mean?

One-legged crow pose is a challenging arm-balance that requires coordination and strength. It is an intermediate to advanced asana. It is suggested to master crow pose before attempting this more challenging version.

To enter this pose, begin in a squat with the toes pointing out toward the sides of the mat. Place the hands on the ground between the feet, shoulder-distance apart. Shifting weight into the hands, begin to lift the hips, placing the knees on the inside of the upper arms. The arms bend to form a shelf for the knees. Engaging the core and arching the spine, lift the feet slowly off the ground. From here (crow pose), extend one leg straight up and back. Repeat on the opposite side.

The Sanskrit name for this pose is eka pada kakasana.

One-Legged Crow Pose


Yogapedia Explains One-Legged Crow Pose

One-legged crow pose is also sometimes called half crow pose or one-legged crane pose. When a distinction is made, the crow pose variations are performed with bent arms, while the crane versions are with straight arms.

One-legged crow requires strength and balance. Warm ups such as crow pose and core strengtheners are recommended.

The benefits of this pose include:

  • Stabilizes the nervous system
  • Creates a sense of grounding
  • Builds balance and coordination
  • Strengthens the arms, wrists, back and abdominal muscles
  • Opens and stretches the groin
  • Encourages introspection and mindfulness
  • Boosts self-confidence

To ease into the pose, a booster such as yoga blocks can be used under the feet.

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One Legged Crow Pose

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