What Does
Parsva Mean?
Parsva is a Sanskrit word which means “side” or “plank.” The term is used in the names of certain yoga poses in which the torso is turned to one side. Such poses involve stretching and balance.
Examples of asanas with parsva in their names include utthita parsvakonasana, parsva bakasana and parsva dhanurasana.
Yogapedia Explains Parsva
Utthita parsvakonasana, also referred to as simply parsvakonasana, is a standing yoga pose. The posture relieves low back pain, tones abdominal organs and treats sciatic conditions. A variation of this pose is parivrtta parsvakonasana.
Parsva bakasana is a variation of bakasana, an arm balancing pose. The posture strengthens the arms and wrists, promotes core strength, builds confidence and improves balance.
Parsva dhanurasana, a variation of dhanurasana, is performed by lying down on the stomach and turning to the side. The pose strengthens the respiratory system, stimulates function of the abdominal organs, relieves menstrual discomfort and energizes the whole body.
Other poses with parsva in their names include parsva pindasana, parsva dandasana, parsva uttanasana and parsva utkatasana.
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