Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Mean?
Setu bandha sarvangasana is one of the basic backbend poses that prepares one for advanced backbend versions. The term is derived from the Sanskrit setu, meaning “bridge,” bandha, meaning “lock,” sarva, meaning “all,” anga, meaning, “limb,” and asana meaning “pose.”
To enter the pose, lie on the back with knees bent and hands and feet on the mat. Lift the lower back off the ground as high as possible and hold for 10 seconds to one minute. To exit the pose, lower the back to the floor.
Setu bandha sarvangasana may also be referred to as bridge pose in English.

Yogapedia Explains Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This beginner’s backbend asana not only works at the physical level, but also promotes mental health by:
- Relieving negative emotions
- Relaxing the mind
- Alleviating stress and anxiety
- Promoting inner calm
Setu bandha sarvangasana is powerful yet simple and can be categorized as a restorative asana as well.
Bridge pose also stimulates the muladhara (root), visuddha (throat) and anahata (heart) chakras. It is thought that the root chakra helps one stay connected; the throat chakra improves one’s communication and expression; and the heart chakra promotes warmth, compassion and healing.
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Setu Bandhasana
Setu Bandha Sirsasana
Sirsa Setu Bandhasanasana