

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Baddha Mean?

Baddha is a Sanskrit term meaning “bound” or “binding.” In yoga asana practice, it describes a variation of a pose that involves linking the hands or hand to the wrist. All types of asanas can have baddha variations, including standing, balancing, seated and reclined postures.

Baddha asanas may involve a simple linking of the hands or could include rotation of the torso and shoulders or threading of the arms, offering a deeper version of a pose. These baddha asanas require flexibility of the physical body and the mind, as well. The yogi’s thoughts must remain in the present to maintain the pose.


Yogapedia Explains Baddha

Baddha yoga asanas produce a link within the body and mind. The body is “bound” by the connection of the hands, creating a sense of security and relaxing the mind. More advanced baddha asanas may have additional benefits, such as massaging the abdominal organs, opening the chest, stretching the shoulders and spine, improving balance, increasing muscular strength and reducing stress.

One of the simplest baddha asanas is baddha konasana (bound angle pose). It is a basic seated asana that opens the hips and the muscles of the groin, but requires no twisting or balancing. From a seated position, the soles of the feet are brought together with the knees bent to the sides. The hands are wrapped around the feet or ankles.

Other common baddha asanas include:

  • Baddha uttanasana (bound forward bend)
  • Baddha utthita parsvakonasana (bound extended side angle pose)
  • Ardha baddha padmottanasana (half bound lotus pose)
  • Baddha virabhadrasana (bound warrior pose)
  • Baddha padmasana (bound lotus pose)

During These Times of Stress and Uncertainty Your Doshas May Be Unbalanced.

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Try not to stress over every question, but simply answer based off your intuition. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else.


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