Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana Mean?
Parivrtta baddha parsvakonasana is a powerful twisted standing posture. Derived from Sanskrit, parivrtta means “revolved,” baddha means “bound,” parsva means “side,” kona means “angle” and asana, means “pose."
In this asana, the legs are in a lunge position with the right leg forward and the right thigh parallel to the ground. The torso twists across the right thigh so that the left arm can wrap over the thigh and reach underneath the body. The right arm circles around the back and reaches for the left hand, completing the bind.
Parivrtta baddha parsvakonasana may be commonly referred to in English as revolved bound side angle pose.

Yogapedia Explains Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana
As well as increasing strength in the legs, parivrtta baddha parsvakonasana stimulates the abdomen and stretches the muscles of the upper and lower body. It can also help to increase whole body balance, rooting and grounding. It is a challenging posture which may take time and patience to master. This can help to teach the yogi the importance of balancing effort with surrender.
Traditionally, parivrtta baddha parsvakonasana, like all twisting postures, is associated with the manipura chakra. Working with this chakra is said to help increase feelings of self-confidence and worthiness. It can help the yogi to feel less fearful and negative. Twists are also associated with building inner fire and personal power.
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