What Does
Parivrtta Mean?
Parivrtta is a Sanskrit word that means “to turn around” or “revolve.” Certain yoga poses in which the torso is turned to the side include parivrtta in their names. Such poses include parivrtta padmasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta parsvakonasana and parivrtta paschimottanasana. These poses are effective for improving flexibility and energizing the body.
Yogapedia Explains Parivrtta
Parivrtta padmasana is a variation of padmasana, which is considered to be the best pose for meditation. The asana promotes spine flexibility, stretches the legs, tones abdominal organs and boosts energy.
Parivrtta trikonasana is a variation of trikonasana. The pose stretches the legs, hips and spine, strengthens the respiratory system, supports function of the abdominal organs and improves balance.
Parivrtta parsvakonasana is a variation of parsvakonasana and an excellent pose for promoting balance. The posture strengthens the legs, stretches the hips and shoulders, stimulates respiratory function, tones the muscles of the legs and promotes digestion.
Parivrtta paschimottanasana is a seated posture and a variation of paschimottanasana. The pose promotes spine flexibility, supports function of the abdominal organs, improves digestion and boosts circulation.
A few more poses which include the term, parivrtta, include parivrtta ardha chandrasana and parivrtta hasta padangusthasana.
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