Prasarita is a Sanskrit term meaning “wide stance” and refers to prasarita padottanasana, which is one of the forward bend yoga poses. To enter the pose, stand in tadasana. The feet stand apart, maintaining a distance of about four feet. Bend forward and place the palms on the floor… View Full Term
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Mantras are a powerful part of your yoga practice, but with so many to choose from it's hard to pick. Here are five beautiful mantras picked for you!
By: Aimee Hughes
Om Namah Shivayah honors the power of Lord Shiva. Discover the power of this ancient mantra and chant it to evoke your own inner divinity.
By: Andrea Santos
Here are powerful 5 mantras for you to try to help start you japa meditation practice.
By practicing concentration, we can overcome the distractions of modern living and observe the patterns of our minds that make up our habits.
By: Rachel Bilski
Mantras use a Sanskrit sound or word repeatedly to help regulate the mind and the breathing. Here's a few Sanskrit mantras for you to try.
Dharana, the sixth limb of yoga, is all about focussed concentration. Here's how you can master dharana and how it can elevate your practice.
Why do yogis greet each other with a bow? Here's a look at the history of Namaste and Namaskar, and what these traditional greetings mean.
Understanding duhkha and sukha can help deepen your yoga practice and help you find contentment in the present moment.
Mantras are a great tool to add to your meditation practice. Here are 5 powerful mantras and what they really mean.
By: Jillian Babcock
The Bhagavad Gita is a must-read for all yogis, but with so many translations out there, which version should you read? Here are our top 5 picks.
This ancient Hindu body of text used in yogic philosophy is possibly mankind's first teaching on the connection between the self and universe.
By: Yogapedia Editorial Team
Puja is a devotional act, a prayer, or a spiritual ritual that seeks union with the Divine. Learn its history and elements in order to create your own.
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