Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana Mean?
Ardha baddha padmottanasana is a classic combination of half lotus pose (ardha padmottanasana) and standing forward bend pose (uttanasana). The name comes from the Sanskrit ardha, meaning “half,” baddha, meaning “bound,” padma, meaning “lotus,” uttana, meaning “intense stretch,” and asana, meaning “pose” or “posture.”
The pose involves holding one leg as though in half lotus pose and bending forward while standing instead of sitting, as one would in uttanasana.
Ardha baddha padmottanasana may also be referred to as half bound lotus pose in English.

Yogapedia Explains Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
Ardha baddha padmottanasana challenges and improves the practitioner’s ability to stay balanced and focused. The pose can be tough for a beginner; however, it can be mastered with diligent practice.
Ardha baddha padmottanasana improves several other mental capacities as well. Regular practice of the pose boosts concentration levels, elevates the state of mind, and improves the practitioner’s sense of mental and emotional balance.
This asana also stimulates the muladhara (root) and svadisthana (spleen or sacral) chakras. The muladhara chakra is located at the base of the coccyx and cultivates integrity and one’s sense of security. The svadisthana chakra is located behind the navel and is associated with creativity. It is also called the sexual chakra as it fuels one’s desire for intimacy, promoting a healthy sex life.
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