Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Half Frog Pigeon Pose Mean?
Half frog pigeon pose is an intermediate posture that opens the hips and stretches the quadriceps.
The pose begins in a half split in which one leg bends in front with the calf resting on the ground and the other leg stretching back. The back leg then bends and the corresponding hand reaches back to gently press on the top of the foot. The opposite arm either extends out or toward the sky.
Half frog pigeon pose is also known by its Sanskrit name, ardha bheka kapotasana.

Yogapedia Explains Half Frog Pigeon Pose
Half frog pigeon pose prepares the yogi physically and mentally for more challenging postures in the pigeon and king pigeon series of poses, as well as Vamadevasana (pose dedicated to Sage Vamadeva).
In addition to being a strong hip opener, half frog pigeon pose offers the following benefits:
- Increases focus and concentration
- Stimulates the abdominal organs
- Stretches the muscles of the groin, abs and knees, in addition to the quads
For a less challenging version of this pose and to take pressure off the knee joint, place the free hand on the ground rather than extending it out or raising it to the sky.
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