Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Vajra Kapotasana Mean?
Vajra kapotasana is an advanced back bending posture. The name is derived from the Sanskrit vajra (diamond), kapota (pigeon) and asana (pose).
To perform this asana, the yogi sits on the heels and presses the palms into the floor behind the back. The body is then lowered backward until the crown is touching the floor (if possible) and the back is fully arched, with the palms on the floor at each side of the head.
In English, this asana is commonly known as dove pose.
Yogapedia Explains Vajra Kapotasana
Physically, this asana is known for improving the health and function of the lungs. It can also help with weight loss – especially from the back and the hips – and stretches the spine.
On a spiritual level, vajra kapotasana opens the anahata (heart) chakra. Activating this chakra helps the yogi deepen their feelings of love, openness and self-acceptance. Practicing this pose is also linked to a deeper, more contemplative meditation session. Finally, it can help deepen the yogi's sense of harmony.
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