
Ardha Mandalasana

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Ardha Mandalasana Mean?

Ardha mandalasana is an accessible side stretching posture. The name comes from the Sanskrit, ardha, meaning “half,” mandala, meaning “circle,” and asana, meaning “pose." The name refers to the semi-circular shape formed by the leg, torso and arm in the posture.

In ardha mandalasana, the left leg is in a kneeling position while the right extends to the side with the foot grounded and toes facing forward. The left hand touches the ground to the left and the right arm reaches up and over the head, with the palm turned toward the ground.

Ardha mandalasana may be referred to in English as half circle pose.

Ardha Mandalasana


Yogapedia Explains Ardha Mandalasana

In addition to its physical benefits, ardha mandalasana is said to be a particularly beneficial posture on a spiritual level for integrating the solar and lunar aspects of the yogi’s being.

This posture is also related to the concept of mandalas, which are circular designs seen as being a microcosm of the universe, with the source of cosmic power, or the true integrated Self, at the center. As the limbs form part of a circle in ardha mandalasana, it is seen as symbolizing the meaning of a mandala.

Traditionally, ardha mandalasana is associated with the muladhara (root) chakra. This is because of the way it stimulates and opens the hips and pelvic area. Working with this chakra is said to help yogis to feel more secure, rooted and grounded.

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