What Does
Nabhi Mean?
Nabhi is a Sanskirt word meaning “navel,” “hub,” “umbilical cord” or “nucleus.” In the context of yoga, the nabhi chakra is the energy center located in the area of the solar plexus, above the navel. In English, this chakra is known as the solar plexus or navel chakra. It is also commonly known by the alternate Sanskrit name, manipura (translated “city of gems”).
Nabhi was also the name of a Hindu monarch, King Nabhi, or Nabhiraja. He was the last of the 14 wise men known as kulakara in the Jain tradition.
Yogapedia Explains Nabhi
The nabhi chakra is the third of the seven major chakras rising from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Yogic teachings say that opening this chakra provides the yogi with a clear sense of self and purpose.
The nabhi chakra is a vortex that is believed to attract prana from the universe. It governs transformation and gives a sense of fearlessness and courage when making changes. It also provides contentment, personal power, satisfaction and inner peace.
The nabhi chakra is usually represented by the color yellow with a radiation of green. The symbol for manipura is an inverted triangle inside a circle that has 10 petals. It is often associated with the fire element, but some sources relate it to the water element. As a fire element, nabhi chakra controls the body’s energy balance and supplies energy to the digestive organs. As a water element, this chakra nourishes and purifies.
The bija mantra associated with the nabhi chakra is Ram, and chanting this bija is one of the ways thought to bring nabhi into balance. Certain yoga asanas are also believed to balance the nabhi chakra, including navasana and the virabhadrasana series.
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