Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Manipura Mean?
Manipura is the Sanskrit name for the chakra located in the area of the solar plexus, above the navel. The name manipura comes from the Sanskrit mani meaning “gem,” and pura or puri meaning “city.” So, it is often translated literally as the “city of jewels,” which helps us to metaphorically think of this chakra as our own personal treasure center of power and well-being. It is also believed to have a magnetic effect, attracting prana from the universe to ourselves. Yogic teachings say that this chakra gives us a clear sense of who we are and what our purpose is.
The English name for manipura is solar plexus or navel chakra.
Yogapedia Explains Manipura
Manipura is usually represented by the color yellow. This wheel, or vortex, of pranic energy is said to form the basis of our sense of self and personal power. It governs transformation and gives a sense of fearlessness and courage when making changes.
The symbol for manipura is a red triangle inside a yellow circle. It is also associated with the symbol Ram, which corresponds to the fire element. This links the chakra with the view as being the center of digestive fire.
The mantra associated with manipura is “Ram,” and chanting this is one of the ways thought to bring the chakra into balance. Another way thought to bring the manipura chakra into balance is to use yellow gemstones or wear yellow clothes. Being in the sunshine is also believed to have a positive effect on this chakra.
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