Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Vamadevasana B Mean?
Vamadevasana B is an advanced binding asana dedicated to one of the rishis, or sages, that contributed to the “Rig Veda.” From Sanskrit, Vamadeva means “the blissful deity” and is one of the six aspects of Shiva that embodies preservation; and asana means “posture.”
To practice this asana, yogis can begin in pigeon pose (kapotasana). The right hip is on the floor with the left leg extended behind the body. With the spine straight and core strong, the yogi uses both hands to bring the feet to touch together at the center of the body. After holding for 10 counts, alternate sides.
Vamadevasana B is known in English as the pose dedicated to Sage Vamadeva B.
Yogapedia Explains Vamadevasana B
Sage Vamadeva contributed to Mandala Four of the “Rig Veda.” From a family of sages, his father and brother were both sages, and his brother also contributed to the “Rig Veda.” Sage Vamadeva is also mentioned in the Upanishads. Vamadevasana B is one of two postures honoring his legacy.
Like Vamadevasana A, this second variation of the pose also physically illustrates the idea of duality within yoga philosophy, with energy pulling the limbs in opposing directions. In order to maintain balance and centered-ness in this pose, the yogi must lift and pull the body in different directions at the same time. In addition, Vamadevasana A and B – with their combination of a spinal twist as well as a similar grounding effect to lotus pose – stimulate the sahasrara (crown), svadisthana (spleen/sacral) and manipura (root) chakras.
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Vamadevasana 2
Vamadevasana II
Vamadevasana Two