Sthairyam is a Sanskrit word that translates as “steadfastness.” In the Hindu sacred text the Bhagavad Gita, sthairyam is described as a component of spiritual knowledge. It is the determination to stay on the yogic path to self-knowledge and Self-realization. The term also means… View Full Term
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The union of the divine masculine and feminine energies is Shiva and Shakti in consort. Learn the qualities of each energy and the nature of their union.
By: Aimee Hughes
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi! Ganesh, the beloved Hindu god of good fortune, removes obstacles in both the material and spiritual realms. Learn all about this elephant-headed deity and how to call upon his powers regularly.
By: Yogapedia Editorial Team
Often misunderstood and mistakenly sexualized, Tantra is a beautifully ethereal and complex draft with never-ending interpretations. Learn about this style of yoga's main drafts, how one may practice it and if it could be right for you.
By: Jaya Crowley | Writer
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