What Does
Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana Mean?
Eka pada urdhva dhanurasana is a challenging variation of dhanurasana and chakrasana.. The name comes from the Sanskrit, eka, meaning "one," pada, meaning "foot," urdhva, meaning "upward," dhanur, meaning "bow," and asana, meaning "pose."
To enter the pose, begin in bridge pose. Then bring the right knee in toward the chest before stretching the right foot up to the sky. Repeat with the left leg.
Eka pada urdhva dhanurasana is known as one-legged wheel pose in English.

Yogapedia Explains Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana
Mastering both chakrasana and urdhva dhanurasana is recommended before moving on to eka pada urdhva dhanurasana. Though used interchangeably, urdhva dhanurasana and chakrasana are not the same. Chakrasana in its complete form involves bringing the hands and feet together on the floor so that the body resembles a perfect wheel whereas in urdhva dhanursana, the limbs are apart and resemble a bow turned upwards and hence called upward bow pose. Practising these both poses help one to perform eka pada urdhva dhanurasana.
Eka pada urdhva dhanurasana is a powerful heart opener and activates the anahata (heart) chakra. Balancing the anahata chakra promotes love, compassion and harmony.
Additional benefits of this asana include:
- Increases feelings of self-love and compassion
- Energizes both body and mind
- Increases spinal flexibility
- Soothes anxiety and depression
- Promotes calm and serenity
- Increases mental alertness
- Improves balance
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