Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Parsva Garbhasana Mean?
Parsva garbhasana is a beginner resting posture often used to come out of savasana (corpse pose) and deep relaxation.
To practice parsva garbhasana, rest on the right side with the head on the right arm, the knees pulled into the chest and the left arm hugging the legs. Pregnant women should only practice the pose on the left side.
In English, this posture is called side fetal pose or just fetal pose. It is sometimes considered a variation of balasana, or child's pose.

Yogapedia Explains Parsva Garbhasana
Traditionally, as a grounding pose, parsva garbhasana is believed to open the muladhara (root) chakra, which is associated with security, safety and stability.
Parsva garbhasana has these additional benefits:
- Relaxes the body and mind
- Creates a sense of security
- Provides a gentle stretch for the hips, lower back, legs and knees
- Massages the internal organs
- Relieves fatigue and stress
A related but more challenging asana is garbhasana (fetus pose), a seated pose in which the arms are threaded between the thighs and calves, then the legs are lifted so the body balances on the sit bones and the hands touch the ears.
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