Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Garbha Pindasana Mean?
Garbha pindasana is an advanced yoga pose requiring flexibility in the knees, hips and ankles. The name comes from the Sanskrit garbha, meaning "womb," pinda, meaning "embryo," and asana, meaning "pose" or "posture."
Starting in padmasana (lotus pose), the knees are lifted towards the body. Hands slide between the thighs and calf muscles, up to the back of the elbows. Elbows are bent and palms are brought together, fingers pointing up. To deepen the pose, the hands can be placed on the ears.
The common English name for this pose is embryo in the womb pose.

Yogapedia Explains Garbha Pindasana
This pose it is especially beneficial for pregnant women and may be practiced through the first trimester. It is believed to help prepare the fetus for correct positioning at birth.
"Yoga Mala," a guide to Ashtanga yoga, points out that garbha pindasana also purifies the liver and spleen, due to the heels pressing into the abdomen and those organs as we pull our arms through our legs. It also activates the first three chakras: muladhara, svadisthana and manipura. This pose is also believed to help bring spiritual union between one's mind and soul.
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