What Does
Tejobindu Upanishad Mean?
"Tejobindu Upanishad" is one of the 108 Upanishads of ancient Hindu and yogic literature. Tejobindu is said to mean “the point representing the power of Brahman.” Although "Tejobindu Upanishad" is a minor Upanishad, it is significant for yoga because it is one of 20 Yoga Upanishads, and presents vedantic teachings from a yoga perspective.
This Upanishad encourages meditation, and praises the practice and experience of meditation more highly than scholarly learning. It includes guidance about how to meditate and also describes the purpose of meditation.
Yogapedia Explains Tejobindu Upanishad
In the modern anthology of 108 Upanishads, "Tejobindu" is number 37. It is thought to have been composed along with the other Yoga Upanishads between 100 B.C.E and 300 C.E. Written in poetic verse, some scholars hypothesize that it was one of the early Yoga Upanishads and likely composed at around the same time as parts of the "Mahabharata."
"Tejobindu Upanishad" emphasizes the practice of yoga and dhyana (meditation) as a path to understanding the soul, but acknowledges that meditation is very difficult. It outlines what is required for a successful meditation practice, including having Brahman as the focal point. The text closes with a description of a yogi who has achieved moksha (spiritual freedom or liberation).
Within the verses, seven extra limbs of yoga are described, in addition to those included in the eight-limbed path of Patanjali’s Ashtanga yoga. These emphasize the concept of param-dhyana which is the supreme meditation upon tejobindu, the seed of spiritual light that resides in the heart, or the power of Brahman.
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