Integrity is the quality or trait of moral rightness and honesty. It also refers to a state of completeness or wholeness. Individuals that are noted to have integrity often adhere to principles that they consider moral, and remain true to their beliefs and inner self. Within the practice of yoga,… View Full Term
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Practicing Metta-Bhavana means focusing on yourself and others with a dedication to loving-kindness. Here are the simple steps to get you started on the path.
By: Aimee Hughes
Your heart chakra holds the key to forgiveness. Open it and yourself to the peace and joy of letting go.
By: Lindsay Nova Calvert
Internal Family Systems Therapy and yoga both enable getting in touch with your true Self by getting to know your parts.
By: Molly Rae Benoit-Leach MSW RSW RYT
Here's a breakdown of the meridians in Yin Yoga and how they can promote health and relaxation.
Yoga reminds us that the body can influence the mind as much as the mind influences the body.
By: Rachel Bilski
By identifying our micro-choices in our day to day existence as brave we can acknowledge just how radical it is to live and love in light of hardship.
By: Dr. Laura McGuire
Tonglen meditation takes us out of our small selves and opens us up to a state of deep open-heartedness.
Bhramari pranayama is a powerful, yet simple, breathing technique that you can use any time to help combat stress and anxiety.
By: Izzy Arcoleo | Freelance Writer
Yoga is a great practice to help us learn to manage our emotions. Here's how the self-awareness built through a yoga practice can help impact you.
The more you focus on a particular thing, the more that you bring that very thing into your life. Here's how the law of attraction can help you.
A happy gut may just be the key to having a healthy body and mind. Here's a break down from the experts on how to keep your gut healthy!
By: Alekszandra Rokvity
It can be hard to separate yourself from the running commentary of your mind, but it is important to remember that you are not your thoughts.
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