Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Bhujapidasana Mean?
Bhujapidasana is a challenging yoga asana that requires balance, flexibility and strength in the arms, shoulders and wrists to balance on the palms with the legs wrapped around the shoulders or upper arms. As well as a range of physical benefits, it is believed to relieve mental and emotional stress.
The name comes from the Sanskrit bhuja, meaning "arm" or "shoulder," pida, meaning "pressure," and asana meaning "posture." It is so-called because the inner thighs press against the upper arms or shoulders for stability.
The common English name for bhujapidasana is shoulder-pressing pose.

Yogapedia Explains Bhujapidasana
Traditionally, bhujapidasana is believed to activate the third, or manipura, chakra. This chakra is the body's energy and vitality center, including internal strength, confidence and courage. Activating the manipura chakra through bhujapidasana is thought to dispel fear and insecurity.
Bhujapidasana forms part of the primary series of Ashtanga yoga and is one of the first arm-balancing postures practiced in the series. The pose is an arm-supported posture where the the palms of the hands form the base.
Because this pose is so challenging, preparatory poses are essential. Such poses include:
- Halasana (plow pose)
- Virasana (hero pose)
- Setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge pose)
- Eka hasta bhujasana (elephant's trunk pose)
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