What Does
Hanumanasana In Adho Mukha Vrksasana Mean?
Hanumanasana in adho mukha vrksasana is a challenging yoga pose that is essentially a forward split turned upside-down. The name comes from the Sanskrit, Hanuman, which is the name of the Hindu monkey god; adho, meaning “downward”; mukha, meaning “facing”; vrksa, meaning “tree”; and asana, which means “pose.”
Beginning in handstand, one leg extends forward and the other backward, forming a split with the toes pointing toward the ground.
In English, this pose translates as monkey pose in downward-facing tree pose, but it is more commonly referred to as handstand split.

Yogapedia Explains Hanumanasana In Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Hanumanasana in adho mukha vrksasana has a range of physical benefits, including enhanced balance and increased flexibility. On a mental, emotional and spiritual level, the posture is believed to:
- Calm the mind
- Ease stress and anxiety
- Increase spiritual awareness
- Energize the mind
- Build confidence
- Enhance focus and concentration
- Balance the emotions
As an inversion, this pose provides a different perspective. It is also believed to balance the sahasrara (crown) chakra, which is associated with self-awareness, mental clarity and the connection to the higher Self and energy of the universe.
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