Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Wide-Legged Forward Bend C Mean?
Wide-legged forward bend C is the third of four positions in this wide-legged forward fold. This asana involves four different expressions of the arms, although the base of the pose and the posture of the spine remain the same throughout each position.
To enter into wide-legged forward bend C, feet are spread wide and grounded firmly, with hands on hips. On an inhale, interlock the hands behind the back and look towards the sky. Exhale while tilting the hips and pelvis forward with a flat spine, moving the head towards the floor and bringing the interlocked hands overhead. Let the hands fall towards the floor, touching the floor if possible. The shoulders should remain active, pressing down the back with arms strong and straight. Keep the shoulders away from the ears. In the fullest expression of this pose, the crown of the head will be able to touch the floor.
Wide-legged forward bend C is also known as prasarita padottanasana C in Sanskrit.

Yogapedia Explains Wide-Legged Forward Bend C
In yoga, one of the goals is to achieve a state of balance within oneself. The spread feet intense stretch pose series encourages this by clearing the mind and strengthening the body through the movements of the lower and upper body.
This pose strengthens the spine and legs, stretching the hamstrings and groin areas. It can offer relief to mild backaches by assisting in decompressing the spine and ease tension in neck muscles that have been fatigued by working at a desk or on mobile devices. With interlocked hands gently moving toward the floor, it works to open and stretch the shoulders. Beginners learning the pose may want to use a supportive prop underneath the head, such as a yoga block.
While the spine falls forward in the fold, blood flows to the brain and encourages clarity of mind. In wide-legged forward bend C, the arms are behind the body with interlocked hands and fall forward towards the floor. This expression of the arms acts to open the shoulders and chest, facilitating deep breaths for the practitioner.
This pose can help increase circulation and decompress the spine. It may also offer relief for those who have a headache or feel fatigued. Those with back injuries, however, must take caution.
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Wide-Legged Forward Fold C
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