Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Sun Salutation B Mean?
Sun Salutation B is a variation of the Sun Salutation vinyasas that are designed to energize the body and mind and warm up the body for yoga practice. It consists of a series of basic, foundational poses that are performed in a flowing and rhythmic pattern guided by the breath, with inhalations on the extension of poses and exhalations when the body bends or folds.
Typically performed at the beginning of yoga practice and at daybreak, Sun Salutations are also used as an energizing practice throughout the day.
This vinyasa is also known by its Sanskrit name, Surya Namaskara B.
Yogapedia Explains Sun Salutation B
The number of repetitions of Sun Salutation B vary by the style of yoga and individual preference. The more structured Ashtanga yoga practice begins with five rounds of Sun Salutation A (a simpler vinyasa) followed by five rounds of Sun Salutation B.
In addition to its role as a warm-up, Sun Salutation B can also serve as a complete yoga asana practice. Sun Salutations are practiced in many styles of yoga. In addition to Ashtanga, the vinyasas are an important part of practice in Hatha, Vinyasa and Power yoga, among others.
Although the specific postures might vary slightly, Sun Salutation B typically includes the following in this order:
- Chair pose
- Standing forward fold
- Half standing forward fold
- Plank pose
- Upward-facing dog pose
- Downward-facing dog pose
- Warrior one pose (right foot forward)
- Low plank pose
- Upward-facing dog pose
- Downward-facing dog pose
- Warrior one pose (left foot forward)
- Low plank pose
- Upward-facing dog pose
- Downward-facing dog pose
- Half standing forward fold
- Forward fold
- Chair pose
- Upward salute
- Mountain pose
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