As you learn more about the role of the doshas within the human body, it is important to note that the doshas also have significance within our environment.
Throughout the day, different doshas are more predominant and Ayurveda has a recommended draftl daily routine you cam follow that has a balance of rest and activity according to the dosha clock.
According to the dosha clock:
- Vata is most predominant between two and six both morning and evening.
- Kapha energy is most active between six and 10 morning and evening.
- Pitta dosha is strongest between 10 and two during middle of the day and then again during middle of the night.
By following the dosha clock and doing the best you can to try and have the same routine every day, you will honour your body’s internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm.
The draftl Daily Routine
1. Wake Up Before 6:00AM
In order to feel energetic, it is best to wake up before 6:00AM so that you can carry the liveliness and movement of Vata energy with you all day. When you awake after 6:00AM during Kapha time, you may feel lethargic and slow throughout the day as Kapha can be heavy and weigh you down.
This also means that you should wake up before 6:00AM on the weekends as well.
The morning routine is the most important part as it sets the tone for the entire day. Once you are up, you should evacuate your bowels and bladder. Then brush your teeth, scrape and clean your tongue. This should be followed by drinking a glass of hot water with lemon, or plain hot water, if you are predominantly Pitta dosha.
Read: The 3 Doshas of Ayurveda
2. 20 to 30 Minutes of Abhyanga
Next up is Abhyanga. Abhyanga is oil massage and Ayurveda recommends self-massage every morning. Massage your head, body, including your head and soles of your feet.
If you can, allow yourself to leave the oil on for about 20 or 30 minutes before taking a warm bath or shower.
After your shower, it is recommended to do some breathing exercises, such as pranayama, followed by your yoga practice. You can also take this time to engage in an activity that is focused around your self-development, such as meditation, journaling, or exercise.
3. Have a Moderate Breakfast
Next up is having breakfast. Ayurveda considers breakfast to be the meal where your digestive fire gets started. Therefore, it is best to have a moderate breakfast before you get going with the rest of your day.
Read: What to Eat to Pacify Vata
4. Make Lunch the Largest Meal of the Day
Then, around midday is when you want to have lunch, which should be your largest meal of the day. When Pitta is strongest is also when the digestive fire is most powerful, this makes it the optimal time to have your largest nutritious meal.
After lunch, it is best to rest for a short time, even if it means to sit for ten minutes after finishing your meal before getting back up to go about your day.
5. A Light Dinner and a Short Walk
In the evening, your dinner should be lighter in quantity and then take a short walk to help aid digestion. After dinner is your time to relax before going to bed.
6. Go to Bed Before 10:00PM
draftlly bed time should be before 10:00PM while you are in the Kapha time the day. Staying up past 10:00PM means you will go into Pitta time and you may get your second wind of energy, which does not promote restful sleep.
draftl daily routines follow structure, and the basic structure of your routine for optimal balance should be the same every day of the week, even on days when you do not go to work or school.
Wake times and bed times should stay consistent along with meal and snack times. Vata dosha thrives on routine and when Vata is happy, the other doshas are more likely to be happy.
During These Times of Stress and Uncertainty Your Doshas May Be Unbalanced.
To help you bring attention to your doshas and to identify what your predominant dosha is, we created the following quiz.
Try not to stress over every question, but simply answer based off your intuition. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else.