Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Niranjan Mean?
Niranjan is a Sanskrit word that has multiple meanings and uses. It means “pure,” “spotless,” “simple,” “truthful,” “great” and “without bad attributes.” It is also a name for the Supreme Being. The word is derived from the Sanskrit root words, nir, meaning “no” or “without”; and anjan, meaning “impurity,” “fear” or “lack of knowledge.” Anjan also refers to the sense of self and possession, so niranjan can mean a non-attachment to possessions and self.
As it refers to the Supreme Being, Niranjan is an incarnation or another name for Krishna and for Shiva.
Yogapedia Explains Niranjan
Niranjan is also used as a male name or base of a name in India and neighboring countries. The female version of the name is Niranjana. For example, Niranjanananda was a 19th century monk and disciple of Ramakrishna. Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, also known as Swami Niranjan, is a modern-day yogi who succeeded Satyananda Saraswati, founder of Satyananda yoga and the Bihar School of Yoga.
In a religious context, Niranjan is used in mantras to refer to the Supreme Deity. Nath yogis (a branch of Shaivism) use the term Alakh Niranjan as a synonym for the Creator.
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