Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Ramayana Mean?
“Ramayana,” or “The Journey of Rama,” is one of the most compelling Indian epics written by sage Valmiki, who is called the adi kavi,meaning the “first poet” in Sanskrit. It is the story of Rama, who was the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu.
Yogapedia Explains Ramayana
Ramayana consists of seven kandas, which refer to sections. They are:
- Bala kanda – The boyhood of Rama.
- Ayodhya kanda – The life in Ayodhya until Rama went on exile.
- Aranya kanda – Life in the forest with wife, Sita, and brother Lakshman and abduction of Sita by King Ravana.
- Kishkindha kanda – The phase in the kingdom of Sugriva, a vanara, meaning “monkey”
- Sundara kanda – The journey of Rama to Srilanka.
- Yuddha kanda – Also called Lanka kanda, it is about the battle with King Ravana, rescue of Sita and return to Ayodhya.
- Uttara kanda – Rama’s life as king of Ayodhya, sons’ births, testing the innocence of Sita who returns to her mother who is considered the earth goddess, and the demise of Rama.
Ramayana was such an inspiring epic that it was created in many other Indian languages. One of the most famous works is “Kamba Ramayana” written by Tamil poet, Kambar.
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