Maharishi, or maharsi, is a Sanskrit word typically used as an honorary title which is added onto the name of an enlightened spiritual teacher. It can be applied to an awakened yogi and has been bestowed upon many figures who were central to the yoga tradition. The term is derived from the roots… View Full Term
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Om Namah Shivayah honors the power of Lord Shiva. Discover the power of this ancient mantra and chant it to evoke your own inner divinity.
By: Andrea Santos
Tantra Yoga comes with a like of misconceptions. Here's a look at what a tantra really means and what a tantric practice looks like.
By: Suzy Adra
Take a deeper look into who Osho was and how his work influenced the worldwide spiritual community today.
By: Lucia Grace | Yoga Therapist
Often misunderstood and mistakenly sexualized, Tantra is a beautifully ethereal and complex draft with never-ending interpretations. Learn about this style of yoga's main drafts, how one may practice it and if it could be right for you.
By: Jaya Crowley | Writer
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