Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Bheka Bhujangasana Mean?
Bheka bhujangasana is a beginner to intermediate backbend that's a variation of bhujangasana, a pose that's foundational to many styles of yoga. The name comes from the Sanskrit, bheka, meaning “frog”; bhujanga, meaning “serpent,” “snake” or “cobra”; and asana, which means “pose” or “posture.”
To practice bheka bhujangasana, begin in balasana (child's pose). The soles of the feet are drawn together as the knees drop to opposite sides. The arms are straightened as the back and neck arch.
In English, it is known as frog cobra pose.

Yogapedia Explains Bheka Bhujangasana
In a variation of the arm position that creates a less intense backbend, the elbows rest on the ground and the hands are held in namaste (prayer position) with the chin resting on the upward-pointing fingers.
In addition to stretching the back, legs and hips and opening the chest, bheka bhujangasana reduces stress and anxiety. It is also believed to open three of the chakra energy centers: the svadisthana (sacral) chakra, anahata (heart) chakra and visuddha (throat) chakra. Svadisthana is the center of creative and sexual energy. Anahata is associated with love, compassion and empathy. Visuddha is the first of the spiritual chakras and is associated with higher truth and authentic expression.
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