
Prasarita Padottanasana B

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Prasarita Padottanasana B Mean?

Prasarita padottanasana B is the second of four positions of this wide-legged forward fold, which involve four different expressions of the arms, although the base of the pose and the posture of the spine remain the same throughout the expressions of the asana.

In Sanskrit, prasarita means “expanded,” “stretched out” or “spread.” For padottanasana, pada means “feet,” uttana means “intense stretch” and asana means “posture” or “seat.”

To enter into prasarita padottanasana B, one stands with feet spread wide apart, grounded firmly, and hands on hips. Inhale fully and exhale, tilting the hips and pelvis forward with a flat spine, moving the head towards the floor and pressing the palms against the waist or hips with elbows pointed towards the ceiling. The shoulders should remain active, pressing down the back with arms strong and elbows pointed. In the fullest expression of this pose, the crown of the head will be able to touch the floor.

Prasarita padottanasana B is also known as wide-legged forward bend B.

Prasarita Padottanasana B


Yogapedia Explains Prasarita Padottanasana B

Within yoga, one of the goals is to achieve a state of balance within one’s self. The prasarita padottanasana series encourages this by clearing the mind and strengthening the body through the movements of the lower and upper body. The legs are strong and solid, offering a grounded base for the rest of the body, while the spine falls forward allowing blood flow to the brain and encouraging clarity of mind. In prasarita padottanasana b, specifically, the arms are active with hands pressing against the waist or hips and elbows pointed towards the ceiling, with strong shoulders moving down the back and away from the neck and ears. This expression of the arms acts to open the chest and facilitate deep breaths for the practitioner. When matching movements with the breath, one can experience both energizing and meditative effects.

This pose can be found therapeutic for individuals experiencing mild depression or anxiety, and may offer relief for those who have a headache or feel fatigued.

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Prasarita Patotanasanah

Prasarita Pahdotanasanah

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