

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Trishna Mean?

Trishna is a Sanskrit word that translates to “thirst,” “greed” or “a craving for something.” The Buddha stated that sorrow and suffering (duhkha) come from desire, and that desire ultimately comes from tanha, or trishna.

Trishna can also be called a thirst for life or a will to live. It is the fourth of the Twelve Nidanas, which indicate the causes of suffering. This is an important concept for spiritual pursuits, such as yoga, as the practitioner looks to shed their greed and other earthly desires. Removing trishna from one’s life is an important part of the pursuit of Nirvana.


Yogapedia Explains Trishna

A thirst for life is necessary, but in the concept of trishna, we see this term sitting side-by-side with less wholesome concepts, such as greed and unwanted desires.

To benefit as much as possible from yoga and meditation, it is necessary to find the balance that a knowledge of trishna offers. This awareness of trishna will ultimately lead to having a thirst for life, but without the earthly desires and cravings that can cause pain and suffering.

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