What Does
Bowspring Posture Mean?
Bowspring Posture is a universal postural template for optimising any form of movement. It is a dynamic alignment method, used as a therapeutic tool for correcting musculo-skeletal issues such as lower back or joint pain. Bowspring focusses on creating a springy posture, working with rather than against the natural curves of the skeletal system.
Bowspring Yoga was developed by Desi Springer in 2012, as an alternative to the standard alignment models of modern asana practice. This method encourages lightness and fluidity rather than rigidity in movement. Bowstring explores and breaks down postural habits, creating awareness of habitual body language to forge a deeper mind-body connection. As such, it integrates mindfulness as a means of cultivating compassion, patience and courage within movement.
Yogapedia Explains Bowspring Posture
Bowspring posture is used to counter the typical 'C-curve' position found in those with a sedentary lifestyle. It is different from the standard alignment model, in which joints and bones are stacked above one another in a straight line. Bowspring conversely encourages finding functional alignment through a 'double-S' shape, following a natural curve down the back of the body, from the head to the hips.
The alignment of bowspring posture promotes the natural curves of the body, in turn allowing the healthy positioning and optimal functioning of connective tissue. Bowspring posture is suitable for everyone, and can be practiced whilst standing, sitting or moving. It is particularly beneficial for those with issues in the lower back, neck or shoulders.
There are several basic principles within bowspring posture:
- A fullness in the ribcage, which expands on all sides and, in turn, broadens the shoulders.
- The hips move back and up, allowing the lower back and belly to extend forward and up. The belly is bowed but strong.
- An anterior tilt in the pelvis aligns it with the ribcage.
- The glutes move back and upward, lifting the tailbone.
- The neck is long and slightly curved up and back.
In addition to the postural benefits, bowspring posture encourages healthy functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems. Regular practice helps to reduce stress levels and improve mood, whilst cultivating an ease of movement that promotes vitality.
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