

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Vijnanabhikshu Mean?

Vijnanabhikshu was a sixteenth century philosopher and author from Bihar, India. He is best known for his commentaries on various schools of Hindu and yogic philosophy, particularly the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

He was considered to be a scholar of independent ideas, and his studies drew on the three schools of Yoga, Vedanta and Samkhya. Through his studies and writing, Vijnanabhikshu established significant connections and unity between the three schools, integrating them into a platform of non-dualism. He is now believed to have had a notable influence on the modern era’s Neo-Advaita movement.


Yogapedia Explains Vijnanabhikshu

Vijnanabhikshu’s own philosophy regarded the ultimate goal of the spiritual path not being the end of sorrow, but rather the end of one’s personal experience of sorrow. He wrote that the state of liberation is described as bliss more in the technical sense of there being no presence of sorrow rather than an actual blissful experience, since after liberation no mind can be experience the bliss.

According to Vijnanabhikshu, the state of liberation is brought about by the dissociation of the subtle body. Once this happens, the self dissolves into the pure consciousness of Brahman.

Although not all of Vijnanabhikshu’s writings and studies have been published, let alone translated from their original Sanskrit, his published works include:

  • Samkhyapravacanabhasya
  • Vijnanamrtabhasya
  • Samskhyasara
  • Yoga-Varttika
  • Yoga-Sara-Samgraha

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Vijnana Bhikshu

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