According to Ayurveda, Kledaka Kapha is one of the five sub-doshas (sub-types) of Kapha dosha. Sub-doshas are responsible for overseeing specific actions, organs or emotions, and relative imbalance in these energetic sub-categories tends to be the root cause of illness, disease and… View Full Term
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Practicing Metta-Bhavana means focusing on yourself and others with a dedication to loving-kindness. Here are the simple steps to get you started on the path.
By: Aimee Hughes
Is resistance blocking you from accepting the present moment? Develop resilience and face life's challenges without becoming stuck.
By: Rachel Bilski
Learn how the mind functions through the lens of Hindu philosophy and the six pramana.
Yoga reminds us that the body can influence the mind as much as the mind influences the body.
Tonglen meditation takes us out of our small selves and opens us up to a state of deep open-heartedness.
Dharana, the sixth limb of yoga, is all about focussed concentration. Here's how you can master dharana and how it can elevate your practice.
What is moksha and how do we reach it? Here's a look at what moksha really is and how we can possibly reach it in today's day and age.
Understanding duhkha and sukha can help deepen your yoga practice and help you find contentment in the present moment.
Non-attachment (or aparigraha) is not detachment. Learn more about this Buddhist and yogic principle, and how to practice it.
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