Thunderbolt Pose


What is Thunderbolt Pose?

Thunderbolt pose, or vajrasana, is an important beginner's meditation posture. With the legs folded under the sit bones, the back is effortlessly straightened.


  1. Kneel with your knees together.
  2. Sit back on your heels with an exhale, allowing your toes to touch and heels to widen.
  3. Rest your palms on your thighs.
  4. Close your eyes and breathe while holding the pose.


  • Avoid if you have a knee injury

Benefits of Thunderbolt Pose

  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves menstrual dicomforts
  • Activates prana in sushumna nadi
  • Redirects sexual energy for meditation purposes

Thunderbolt Pose Details
Sanskrit Name: Vajrasana
Pronunciation: vahj-RAH-sah-nah
Pose Level: Beginner
Drishti: Bhrumadhye (Third Eye)
Pose Type: Seated Poses

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