Revolved Chair Pose

Parivrtta Utkatasana

What is Revolved Chair Pose?

Revolved chair pose, or parivrtta utkatasana in Sanskrit, is a twisting variation of chair pose. The yogi twists the torso to the side, palms pressing together at the chest. The posture requires the strength of chair pose and the flexibility of a deep twist.


  • Begin in chair pose.
  • Exhale and press the palms together in front of the chest.
  • Inhale, then exhale and twist to the right. Make sure that the left knee does not move forward.
  • Breathe while holding the pose.
  • On the next inhale, untwist and bring the palms together in front of the chest.
  • Exhale and twist to the left, making sure that the right knee does not move forward.
  • Breathe while holding the pose.


  • Avoid if you have a knee injury

Benefits of Revolved Chair Pose

  • Strengthens the legs
  • Stretches the lower back
  • Opens the upper back and shoulders
  • Stimulates digestion

Revolved Chair Pose Details
Sanskrit Name: Parivrtta Utkatasana
Pronunciation: par-iv-rt-tah oot-kah-TAH-sah-nah
Pose Level: Intermediate
Drishti: Parshva (Side)
Pose Type: Standing Poses, Strength

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