Lotus Pose


What is Lotus Pose?

Lotus pose, or padmasana, is yoga's most famous meditation pose. It is an advanced seated yoga posture wherein the knees are bent and the feet rest on top of opposite thighs.


  • Sit with your legs outstretched.
  • Bend one leg and place the foot on top of the opposite thigh.
  • Carefully bend the other leg and place the foot on top of the opposite thigh.
  • Rest your hands on your thighs. Inhale and lengthen your spine.
  • Close your eyes and breathe while holding the pose.


  • Avoid if you have sciatica, a knee injury or are pregnant.

Benefits of Lotus Pose

  • Brings steadiness to the body and mind
  • Directs prana upward
  • Encourages blood flow to the abdomen
  • Stretches the hips

Lotus Pose Details
Sanskrit Name: Padmasana
Pronunciation: pahd-MAH-sah-nah
Pose Level: Advanced
Drishti: Bhrumadhye (Third Eye)
Pose Type: Hip Openers, Seated Poses

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