Double Pigeon Pose


What is Double Pigeon Pose?

Double pigeon pose, or agnistambhasana in Sanskrit, is a challenging hip opener. It's also referred to as fire log pose. While seated, the legs are folded into a triangle shape so that one ankle stacks on top of the knee and the other ankle rests under the knee.


  • Start by sitting cross-legged.
  • Exhale and place one ankle on top of the opposite knee.
  • Inhale and align the other ankle underneath the opposite knee.
  • Breathe while holding the pose.


  • Avoid if there is not sufficient hip flexibility yet

Benefits of Double Pigeon Pose

  • Opens the hips
  • Stretches the groins and legs
  • Reduces tension and anxiety

Double Pigeon Pose Details
Sanskrit Name: Agnistambhasana
Pronunciation: ugg-nee-stahm-BAH-sah-nah
Pose Level: Intermediate
Drishti: Nasagre (Tip of the nose)
Pose Type: Hip Openers, Seated Poses

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