Cat pose is a simple core posture that's one of the most fundamental poses throughout the many schools of yoga. The name comes from the resemblance of a cat rounding its back. From a hands-and-knees tabletop position, the core muscles are pulled in toward the spine as the back rounds and the… View Full Term
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We know the reasons we should meditate, but sometimes the ego gets in our way. Here are the six blocks our ego projects when we attempt to meditate.
By: Parita Shah | Reiki Healer
Achieving samadhi, the last limb of Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga, is easier than it sounds. Here's how to reach it.
By: Rachel Bilski
What is moksha and how do we reach it? Here's a look at what moksha really is and how we can possibly reach it in today's day and age.
Why do yogis greet each other with a bow? Here's a look at the history of Namaste and Namaskar, and what these traditional greetings mean.
Explore the concepts of Brahman and maya, as well as how yoga can be used as a tool to lift the veil of reality.
Our ego is only our external identity. Who we truly are is much, much more. Learn how to dissolve your ego through a guided meditation designed to loosen your ego's grip on your life.
By: Aimee Hughes
Judgment and guilt are just a couple of signs that our ego has taken over. Learn how to confront your ego and take back control of your life.
By: Jennie Lee | Author of Breathing Love and True Yoga. Certified Yoga Therapist with 20 years experience.
What is open-mindedness and why is it important to our happiness and well-being? Find out how to open your mind and the benefits you'll enjoy.
By: Jade Lizzie | Yoga teacher, writer and health and wellness geek.
As the path of devotion, Bhakti yoga helps connect us to our community, universal consciousness and God, despite the disconnectedness of our modern world.
There are many types of contemplative activities, but the end goal is the same: to reconnect with our true Self. Discover which contemplative practice best suits you and enjoy the calm and renewed energy it brings.
For those who think yoga isn't your "thing," here are some ways in which you can effortlessly dip your toes into a new yoga practice.
Feeling insecure is part of being human. Learn how to use various yogic tools and techniques to restore your self-confidence.
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